Many people having hard times deciding which payday loan company or provider they should choose. These days there is a huge number of companies providing all sorts of payday loan, cash advance and bad credit loan in New Zealand.
The main purpose of this article isn’t naming them all, just give you an idea about few (those who show up on the first few pages on Google when searching for “payday loans”).
In the table below you can check what are their basic loans parameters. For example how much fees they charge for the loan establishment or what their interest rates are.
List with few examples of companies providing payday loans in New Zealand.
Name |
Daily interest ratefirst loan – next |
Est. Fee1st – next |
Other fees |
Address |
City |
Website |
Payday Advance Ltd |
2.14% – 1.71%* |
$30 – $20 |
$0.00 |
Level 16, 45 Queen Street |
Auckland | |
Payday Loan |
1.65% – 1.38%* |
$25 – $15 |
$0.00 |
P.O.Box 18162, Glen Innes |
Auckland | | Ltd |
1.60% – 1.20% |
$30 – $20 |
$0.00 |
L1 Suite 5, 507 Lake Rd, Takapuna |
Auckland | |
Save My Bacon Ltd |
1.50% – 1.50% |
$15 – $15 |
$7.00 |
12a St Albans St, St Albans |
Christchurch | |
CashDoctors |
0.00% – 0.00% |
$0 – $0 |
26.00% |
P.O.Box 2095, Johnsonville |
Wellington | | Ltd |
1.43% – 1.43% |
$20 – $0 |
$0.00 |
P.O. Box 979 |
Tauranga | |
Bad Credit Loan |
0.00% – 0.00% |
$40 – $40 |
15.93% |
P.o.Box 18162, Glen Innes |
Auckland | |
Cash Relief |
1.70% – 1.42%* |
$30 – $30 |
$0.00 |
P.O. Box 42229, Orakei |
Auckland | |
247Moneybox |
2% |
$38 |
$7 DD, $10 Admin |
Level 4, 369 Queen Street |
Auckland | |
* reduced rate applies also to new customers who agree to a credit check or to preferred customers
As mentioned, there are many more payday loan, cash advance and bad credit loans companies out there in New Zealand. If you would like to add some more to our list, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy list them as well.
Please note that we do not get any commission or reward from listing these companies on our website. We use them only as examples to highlight main differences between them in terms of interest rates and fees they charge for their payday loans.
Hi There, since this article was written there is another provider of Payday Loans – and they seem to be offering good rates on loans between $100 and $500.