Mortgage is usually the largest and longest running debt ordinary people like you and me have in their life. But how many of us treat it in a manner: “get the home loan, set up regular automatic payments and forget about it”? This is a big mistake! Let’s say you have a mortgage $400,000 for …
Classic loan calculators that you can find on most finance or bank websites offer you only limited functions. Basically you can choose loan amount, add interest rate and set loan term and the calculator will tell you how much your weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayment will be. What you cannot do is doing some more …
This calculator will help you model your repayments and find out the date when you become debt free. Simply list all your credit cards or hire purchase details into the entry table, hit the Refresh button. It will tell you straight away your debt free date. Our calculator can also be used for other types …
Normally at the end of mortgage when it’s fully repaid the balance is zero. However, in some situations you will need to calculate the outstanding balance of your loan. This happens usually when: You want to refinance your mortgage (pay off first and take another) You inherit, earn or otherwise obtain large amount of money …
Are you thinking about purchasing a new (used) car? Or do you have car already and want to refinance it for whatever reason – be it a lower Interest Rate, lower Repayments or a better Finance Deal? In this case we have a perfect Calculator in Excel just for what you need! To download a …
This advanced Excel calculator is designed to simultaneously manage Amortization Schedules for Multiple Loans. As you know, in most cases people as well as businesses don’t have just one loan. However, if you are looking for a great calculator for only one loan (or mortgage) then instead of this one we recommend using this: Excel …
If you are an Accountant for a small or medium sized company with multiple leases (or loans) then you probably experience problems with generating accounting entries every month. What you need to work out are the principal and interest amounts for each lease and then summarize them. In case of just few loans or leases …
We’ve got some good news for you! Recently we just released a new version of our Compound Interest Loan Calculator in Excel. It’s often called “Amortization Schedule with Principal and Interest Amounts” which is basically the same thing as simply “Loan Calculator”. The enhancements are: Added Compounding Interest Frequency (daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly) Possibility …
Vehicle Leases work similarly as Car Loans; however there are two major differences. The first difference is the ownership. If you take a car loan then you take the ownership from day one. The bank or credit institution sometimes may place financial interest so they can reclaim the car if you default on your loan. …
Did you originally think that you can manage spending this Christmas? Were your costing estimates just few hundreds of dollars? As a result weren’t you doing any extra savings or preparations for it during the year? And now you ended up with another debt of few thousands of dollars that will take perhaps more than …