Myth: Kiwisaver was established for the benefit of ordinary New Zealanders Truth: Main purpose for establishing Kiwisaver was to benefit the fund providers like the banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions that administer Kiwisaver funds. They benefit from Kiwisaver schema mainly by charging the management fees. Ordinary New Zealanders were offered few perks as …
Tag: kiwisaver
If you are right now deciding whether or not to join KiwiSaver or if you are trying to choose which KiwiSaver fund is the best for you then read on first! Before making your final decision, you may want to examine few articles about KiwiSaver that we recently published on our website. There are few …
Most investment and financial advisors will tell you that Kiwisaver is a great thing and that every Kiwi shouldn’t miss out on joining and milking it. Well, it may be true that some of the benefits offered do seem really irresistible and are not offered by any other investment type. But does it make it …
KiwiSaver Withdrawal or KiwiSaver Opt Out is the second best thing you can do, right after the first best thing which is never joining this schema in the first place. In our several previous articles we argued why KiwiSaver is a bad retirement investment choice for you. Our recommendation is to avoid it and if …
Are the KiwiSaver performance results really that great compared to returns from other types of investments? We can hear from all sorts of media outlets and financial advisors operas about greatness of KiwiSaver and how everyone should joint this retirement investment schema. Most reviews are narrowed down to comparing the groups of KiwiSaver funds (conservative, …
Investment in KiwiSaver become very popular over the last few years. But is it really as good investment as the government, media and numerous advertising campaigns suggest? If we look at the KiwiSaver as a whole then yes, there are few irresistible perks like the $1000 joining bonus and then $500 yearly contribution towards funds …