Have you ever considered or are you thinking about getting loaded Visa card? This question will apply to you probably if you are still young, plan to travel or have issues with your credit rating. Prepaid Visa cards combine convenience of credit card with an easy and hassle free process of getting one without lengthy …
Tag: credit cards
Do you own one or more of these cards? Do you use them regularly? Then you probably know what their main problem is. But for those of you who are just thinking about getting one of them, here is a warning… And no, the high interest rate is not the main problem. Indeed, it is …
If you have been recently thinking about buying some goods or services and putting them on Q Card’s interest free offer then be aware! You surely know that old saying that “no such thing as a free lunch exists”. That’s perfectly true even with Q Card and other similar finance services (GEM Visa or GE …
Many of you are probably in a situation when your salaries and wages are just enough or not enough to cover all your monthly living cost and expenses. As a result people then start getting them into debt and struggle to get out. What starts as small few hundreds dollars borrowing taken for couple of …
In our other articles we have already covered credit cards comparison from all major banks operating in New Zealand in high detail, separating it into groups by each bank. Here we will make a summary of all credit cards in one place. To keep this final review tidy without flooding the page with hundreds of …
Many credit cautious people are trying to avoid any unnecessary debt by avoiding even credit cards. While in most cases this is a very smart approach to manage ones own finances, resisting to get a credit card at the end may not be the smartest thing to do. Responsible managing of your credit card account …
Many people these days own more than one credit card. While it may be useful to have 2 or 3 credit cards, it it not advisable to posses too many of them. In such case it may become very hard to manage them all and also too many credit cards mean that you can get …
In this article we will focus on explaining reasons for having a credit card. In no way we want to promote indebtedness or encourage you getting yourself into more debt. We will only explain advantages of credit cards if they are used wisely. Credit Cards can be bad masters, but if you stick to the …
Credit card balance transfers belong among the most frequent marketing strategies used by banks to hook up new customers. The basic logic is straightforward. If you are moving the balance of your old credit card forward each month then you are incurring interest. Let’s say it’s 20% and the new bank will offer you to …
Another factor to consider when choosing the right credit card is the interest rate they charge. It is wise to compare different interest rates charged by banks before applying for a new credit card. Even if you already have an existing card then researching and possibly changing it to a different credit card can save …